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Battlefield 1 realistic mode

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“Genderfield V,” complains one, while another whines about “gender fluid mouth breathers in Sweden out a revisionist history SJW game shitting on everything people like my grandpa fought for.” Sad to see a much loved franchise fall apart.” On YouTube and the game’s subreddit, the comments aren’t much better.

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“Blatant disregard for historical events and mindless political correctness.

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“Seen the downvotes on your YouTube trailer video? You have til October to fix this shit and give us a realistic gritty WWII experience.” “Very disappointed with the new Battlefield trailer,” wrote another. “Hey.good job making a shitty unrealistic SJW ‘WWII’ game!” wrote one on Twitter. Online, this infantile cry has rallied around its own hashtag - #NotMyBattlefield - and it is full of users shrieking about political correctness. Following the game’s reveal trailer and confirmation that it will include women, some fragile fans have confirmed they’ve never read a book by protesting what they see as “historical inaccuracy.” Please, keep your women out of my war games!

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DICE is returning to World War II with Battlefield V, and it’s doing so with the help of feeemales.